SPI Finestre obtains certification for gender equality

We are pleased to announce that our company has obtained the certification for gender equality Uni/PdR 125:2022, a recognition that attests to our constant commitment to bridging the gender gap and promoting an inclusive corporate culture free of stereotypes and prejudices. This is the result of our commitment and our ability to adopt concrete measures aimed at creating a work environment that respects equal opportunities.

Our company has always been oriented towards equity in professional and career growth opportunities, guaranteeing everyone the same opportunities. Diversity and inclusion are fundamental pillars in SPI’s history and successes. When inclusion becomes a fundamental pillar of the company culture, it becomes one of the key values. Consequently, we expect all employees, regardless of role, to adopt an inclusive approach towards their colleagues.

This certification not only underlines our commitment to gender equality, but also confirms our ongoing commitment to creating a work environment where every individual feels valued and respected. We are grateful for this important achievement and look forward with determination on our journey towards greater diversity and inclusion.

Certificazione pari opportunità


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