The “Clean Beaches Mission”, organized and coordinated by SPI s.p.a., a Vibonese company leader in Italy in the production of insulating windows, took place today, May 29, 2009, attracting great approval and participation in the three municipalities concerned. The company staff, assisted by their respective families, worked hard for a whole day and, equipped with gloves, rakes and bags, returned an image worthy of their beauty and fame to the most representative beaches of Calabria.
From 8:30 yesterday morning, until 17:30, the collaborators of SPI s.p.a. accompanied by their families, they met at P.zza Marinella in Bivona, to subsequently divide into teams and go to all the beaches within the competence of the municipality of Vibo, on the beach of the Chiesetta di Piedigrotta in Pizzo and on the most representative beaches of the municipality of Tropea, including those adjacent to the Piazza di Santa Maria dell’Isola.
The initiative brought volunteer citizens and schoolchildren who rolled up their sleeves to make a concrete contribution to the SPI gazebos set up for the occasion, making use of the equipment made available free of charge.
The initiative of SPI s.p.a. it turned into a big party, which saw the enthusiastic participation of collaborators who wanted to play a game in first person to preserve the beaches that have the greatest impact on the image of the entire region.
Francesco Mangione, President of SPI s.p.a., states in this regard: “We are proud of our boys and I say boys because the average age in the company is low. It is true that they had a paid day, but it is equally true that it remains a voluntary act expressed with great enthusiasm and effectiveness. Some of them, coming from farming families, at a time of great impasse, volunteered and made the family tractors available. We would have expected a wider participation from the citizens, unfortunately a wait-and-see attitude is still widespread.
We are confident and we are certain that we have launched a signal with a high symbolic value. After the operation with which we took care of some green areas in Vibo Valentia, the remaining flower beds were stormed by other companies. Have you ever seen that we have initiated other virtuous acts of voluntary service? ” The initiative is the result of collaboration with the municipal administrations of Vibo Valentia, Pizzo and Tropea and has benefited from the technical support offered by the Eurocoop and Ecoshark companies.