This year too the highly awaited Black Friday day has arrived, the day which is entirely dedicated to purchases at discounted or super-reduced prices is finally here. Millions of users around the world connect to the most important online shopping platforms in search of unmissable offers. But what impact does Black Friday have on the environment? The effect of Black Friday on an environmental level is nothing short of devastating due to the release of millions of tons of CO2 due to massive transport on wheels as well as the countless amount of waste caused by wrapping and packaging.
How do we, from SPI, want to respond to this crazy shopping hangover? With an anti Black Friday day or Green Friday. A Friday entirely dedicated to a sustainable and responsible type of shopping. The #greendesk project then starts in which our offices will house many small plants with colorful flowers. A healthy and responsible initiative, which also allowed us to prefer local commerce to large online platforms. We have in fact relied on a local farm and we have chosen for our Green Friday a fat plant of the Crassulaceae family, known for its strength and its therapeutic virtues, especially useful for purifying the air and absorbing electromagnetic waves. generated by our electronic devices.
It is a small gesture, but full of meaning, perfectly in line with our green and conscious consumption policies as an alternative to excesses and waste.